Here it comes again
That feeling that grabs you and stops you in your tracks. That feeling that leaves you feeling stunned or powerless. When that feeling is triggered inside of you, there is a way to work through it.
The feeling that grabs you and stops you in your tracks
The feeling that leaves you feeling stunned or powerless
The feeling that rips away your focus and concentration
The feeling that you hate/feel bad about/try to avoid
When that feeling is triggered inside of you, here is a way to work through it:
Name the feeling. Remember that when you ‘name it you can tame it.’. Say, “Here’s a feeling of fear/worry/being stuck.”.
Find the feeling. Where is it in your body? Notice how it really feels – is it a ball, a square, a hot or cold feeling? Is it smooth, prickly, orange or blue? Does it have something to say?
Really pay attention to this feeling. Use your mind to know more about the feeling – be curious.
Look for choices. Open your mind a little. Try not to judge yourself or make yourself wrong. Ask yourself, “What is another way I could be with this feeling? ” “What are other
ideas that might help me feel differently? ” “What choices and ideas are there for me to work with?”
Take action. Start by taking the beginning steps from one of these ideas. Move on.