Notice and Name your feelings

Recognizing your feelings can be a big step if you’ve spent many years trying not to feel them.
To recognize your feelings, you’ll first have to find them (see above exercise).
When you recognize the various sensations in your body, you are beginning to acknowledge the feelings you have and to learn to be with them.

You may find some unpleasant associations with some of these feelings, such as a critical inner voice, and some shame, embarrassment, humiliation or fear.

To understand how your feelings better, and learn more about your brain, fill in an Emotion Mind sheet.

What emotion best describes how you were feeling?

How strongly did you feel this emotion?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mild/weak Moderate Intense

Describe where you were when these sensations occurred:

Describe what you were doing when these sensations occurred:

Describe what your mind was telling you when these sensations occurred:

Describe what you did (if anything) when these sensations occurred:


Vicious Cycle of Thoughts and Feelings


Label your emotions